Att förstå och hantera beroende utifrån stress & trauma
Efficient addiction recovery care by addressing stress & trauma
Summit to create a Life Quality vs Stress Index
sön 01 nov.
|Peaceful Heart Network, Stockholm, Sweden
We are gathering in a summit to discuss how we can create a life quality index that can be used in different cultural settings to define and measure results of interventions.
Time and place
01 nov. 2020 10:00 – 16:00
Peaceful Heart Network, Stockholm, Sweden
We are gathering in a summit to discuss how we can create a life quality index in relation to stress & trauma that can be used in different cultural settings to define and measure results of interventions.
If you would like to join and are sure you have the time please sign your interest here. It will be possible to participate by zoom link as well as live.
Life quality and life satisfaction is difficult to measure. The UN and WHO use a seven point survey looking among other issues at longevity, income levels and perceived safety. This way of measuring rules out a lot of countries with low incomes shorter life span averages where perceived life quality can be higher than that of countries like Finland or Sweden where these factors are high but also there is an increasing mental ill health of stress and emotional burnout.
What we notice is that when people are stressed or traumatised they have a hard time to perceive quality of life regardless of social, economical or educational circumstances. Access to water can be a factor of stress, food in some countries public safety, storms or cultural pressures can be other stressors.
You may be involved in public health, research, statistics, complementary therapies or you are a single parent, normal household representative or anything else. We know from experience that any issue about people includes all people.
There are no costs involved.
Results will be published and shared.
A paper will be written.
Ulf Sandström
Gunilla Hamne
Stefan Sandström
Hold a place for me!
This guarantees your spot. Make sure you are attending, somebody else would love to if you can't. If you cannot attend live you can connect through Zoom by clicking on or activating this link: Make sure you connect at least 10 minutes in advance so you know your equipment works. It is a great advantage if you have a headset and you want to make sure sound is optimal.
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